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Contributing To The Wiki

The underlying Github repo can be located here.

Contributer Guidelines

The following guidelines should be kept in mind when submitting changes:

  • This wiki may grow to support other Flipper items beyond just the Flipper zero, so be precise about which device you reference.
  • Our audience is international based, so use clear and precise language, avoiding slang or acronyms without explanation.
  • Do not provide guides to facilitate illegal activity.
    • This includes but is not restricted to: jamming, illegal radio transmitting, defeating regional frequency locks, and fraud
  • Do not provide direct links to firmwares that allow the enablement of illegal activity or defeating radio transmission region locks
  • Keep your writing tone non-biased and professional.
  • if you upload any images, please try to keep them below 2 Megabytes in size.

Text Formatting Examples


link to another wiki page

link to another page and section



Bold Italic


Quote Indent


First Header Second Header Third Header
Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell Content Cell

single code line

multi line

print("Multi line codeblock")
print("with lang specific syntax highlighting")
Local Image Embed

Flipper logo white

Remote Image Embed with scaling

Flipper logo black

Material Theme Extended Markdown

The material theme provides extended features for markdown. See the official reference page for extended examples.

note admonition

sample note with helpful info

collapsable note admonition

sample note with helpful info

warning admonitions

sample warning

Diagram using Mermaid syntax

graph LR
  A[Start] --> B{Did you read docs?};
  B -->|No| C[Hmm...];
  C --> D[read again];
  D --> B;
  B ---->|Yes| E[Yay!];


MkDocs supports basic HTML tag formatters as an alternative to markdown. Markdown cannot be used inside of an HTML tag block, only on the outside.

Notice: Notice text example

Warning: Warning Text Example